Coal Tower Hopper Steel Design . Evaluation of Charge/Discharge shock effects (NBR & Eurocode)
Volume 3D elements material non linear analysis for the local effect due to an high load condition on a reinforced concrete support (Eurocode)
Reinforced concrete coke silo Design for a Steel Plant Stock-House. Evaluation of Charge/Discharge shock effects (NBR & Eurocode)
Steel structure and foundation Design of a Turbine Hall for an Energy Combined Cycle Plant (AISC & Eurocode)
High capacity crane Steel Design. Geometrical non linear buckling analysis for the main structures and the horizontal bracing system (AISC & Eurocode)
Design Review of HRSG steel structures for an Energy Combined Cycle Plant (Eurocode)
Reinforced concrete and foundation Design of an anchored Pinion Wall for a Steel Plant (Indian Standard & Eurocode)
Cable-Stayed Footbridge Design. Dynamic and Resonance Analysis for wind effect evaluation (Eurocode)
Steel Plant End Platform Design (NBR & AISC)